December 7, 2011
The Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC) fitness division hosted their first annual bench press competition at California StateUniversity, Long Beach (CSULB) from 3-6 p.m. on Dec.7.
Forty contestants signed up for the competition and 35 competed. Contestants signed up for specific weight classes and were verified when they weighed-in between 8 a.m.-8 p.m. on Dec.6.
There was one female category and five male categories. The male categories consisted of weight classes 140 & under, 141-155, 156-170, 171-185, 186-200, and 200 & over.
Contestants were expected to complete a proper bench press and had only three chances to find their maximum weight. If a contestant made a mistake within his or her first two chances he or she had one last chance to complete the weight. If they failed to complete a lift on their 3rd chance, their previous completed weight would be recorded.
The contest began at forty pounds, 20 pounds on each side of the bar, and was raised in increments of five pounds. When a weight was called, activity director Tony Nunez would allow for five seconds to elapse allowing contestants to attempt the weight before moving on to the next higher weight.
The requirements for a proper bench press was feet must be planted on the floor, back, shoulders, and head must remain on the bench during the left. Contestants must complete the lift by extending your arms completely before putting the weight back on the rack. Throughout the event there was a spotter to help in case the contestant could not complete the lift and to ensure the safety of the contestant.
Prizes included an ASI reusable tote bag, a SRWC water bottle, a t-shirt, a stick of deoderant, Jelly Belly sport beans, and $10 in U-bucks to use at the CSULB University Student Union.
Female (Weight Completed)
Alicia Lashley (105)
Male (Weight Completed) [Weight Class]
James Potter (215) [140 & under]
Kevin Nguyen (240) [141-155]
Sennai Merid (300) [156-170]
Jimmy Rellis (280) [171-185]
Charles Christman (300) [186-200]
Cesar Paga (440) [201 & over]
The SRWC is a 126,500 square feet recreation facility located at the east end of the CSULB campus that provides recreational activities, programs, and opportunites to the students, associates, and affiliates of the university.
The SRWC is a 126,500 square feet recreation facility located at the east end of the CSULB campus that provides recreational activities, programs, and opportunites to the students, associates, and affiliates of the university.
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